Sonntag, 27. April 2014

6. Governing body

My Utopian Society has an democracy in its political way of thinking.
It is like the german political order. There are seconded, chancellor and a "president".
The only exception is, that there is the possibility for the population of the society to have
national polls, which allows theme to come up with own laws and rules.
If the most part of the Society thing they are helping, they will get involved.
So that the population always has the possibility to fight against the maybe wrong 
thinking of the political`s. 

5. List of Rules

10. Rules for Simultheon 

(1) Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.

(2) Help must be always provided. 

(3) Every person shall have the right to free development of his personality insofar as he does not      violate the rights of others or offend against the constitutional order or the moral law.

(4) Every person shall have the right to life and physical integrity. Freedom of the person shall be inviolable. These rights may be interfered with only pursuant to a law.

(5) Every person has the right of free speech and writing.

(6) Every person has the right to show and believe in a faith of choice.

(7) The moral law stands in front of all.

(8) The opinion and the good of the whole population stands in front of all (except for moral).

(9) Every person has the right on an even school education.

(10) Every person has the right to demand a part of money from the state while they are without work.

Freitag, 11. April 2014

4. Utopian Animal

The mighty deer
The deer is my Utopian Animal. I choose him because he symbolic power. The huge antlers,
the brown fur and his placid face emit strength and calm. He lives with his herd
and defends them. He ensure the safety of his herd and helps them. These are the points
that are important for my Society and that is why I choose him as my Society Animal.


3. Utopian Motto and Seal

Pro bono publico

The Motto for my Utopian Society, which everyone in it will follow is "pro bono publico".
This is a Motto which is already used in the court, medicine and economy. It means that 
every thing is for the well of the public. That means every person, every politician
and also every rich men is doing his business not only for him, but also for his Society.

The seal of my Society is a deer, with the colors blue and golden yellow.
The dear is the Utopian Animal which is going to be in the next post.
The colors blue and yellow are in the seal because these are the national flag of 
simultheon. The blue is there because for many people it symbolic longing of going 
somewhere, and simultheon is this place. The golden yellow is there, because it symbolic 
infinite, which stands for the longevity of my Society.

2. Declaration of Independence

My Utopian Society is almost the same as all the others.
There is only one bigger difference. This different thing is that there is no welfare.
Welfare is a good thing in a big Society, but too many people abusing it so that they don`t have
to work. This is a big load for almost every Society. Just like in america there is only
a short time (two and a half months) were you get help from the government.
After this short time you have to work again or you will
get no help from anyone. This is a little bit strict, but in another
way the people who are abusing the government would not learn that they have to
work for they money and don`t sit around the whole day and wait for money.